Fifth Grade

Debby Boyd


Holli Ferullo

Jessica McGinnis

Jade Williams

Fifth grade is an important year as students prepare to make the transition to middle school.  Study skills and organizational habits are a focus as we learn to transition to various classes.

Currently the Core Curriculum Georgia Performance Standards are used to plan instruction.  The following is a brief description of our planned curriculum.

Students read from a variety of materials with a focus on theme, plot, characters, settings, word meanings, point of view, main idea, comprehension, spelling, grammar, writing, and reading fluency.

Students study a variety of topics that fall under Earth, Physical, and Life Science.  Students take part in experiments and activities that cover subjects located in the Core Curriculum Standards.

Social Studies: 
Throughout the school year students will learn information processing and map skills.  Students will identify important people, places, events, movements, and issues related to United States history since the Civil War.

Students will be investigating nine content standards this year in math. These include place value, multiplying and dividing multi-digit whole numbers, fractions, decimals, numerical expressions, customary and metric measurements, and properties of polygons and rectangular prisms. 

Students take part in 4-H and the CHAMPS Program.  Students may participate on the WBME Morning News Broadcast, Student Council, and the Bears on the Move Club.  Some of these take place during regular school hours while others meet after school.

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