
Please complete the appropriate form for your student and submit it to the school nurse. 


 (Only necessary if EpiPen is required)
Allergy Action Plan (Food).pdf
Allergy Action Plan (Not Food).pdf

For students to keep EpiPen with them at school:
Self Administration Epi-Pen.pdf

(Only necessary if medication is required at school)
Asthma Action Plan.pdf

For students to keep inhaler with them at school:
Self Administration Inhaler.pdf

Diabetes Medical Management Plan.pdf

Seizure Action Plan.pdf

Individual Healthcare Plan:
(any diagnosis not listed above that requires accommodations) 
Individual Healthcare Plan.pdf

(For those to be given during school hours)
Medication Form.pdf

Consent for Health Services:
Clinic Consent 8-17.pdf
Clinic Consent Spanish 8-17.pdf

Section 504 Plan:


****Flu Clinic****

More information to come in October. Please check back at that time. 

If you have questions about the flu vaccine, please contact the school nurse or your health care provider. 

We thank you in advance for helping to keep our students safe and healthy.

Vikki Brannon, RN
Dawson School Health Coordinator
Health and learning go hand in hand, 
Students must learn to be healthy and be healthy to learn. 
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